Why Parents Should Invest in Online Sign Language Classes for High School Students
American Sign Language is a complex three-dimensional language in motion that has been utilized for centuries. Long ago, the majority of people who learned Sign Language did so because they were deaf or hard of hearing. In other cases, they had a loved one who communicated with the use of Sign Language. But as our society has evolved, Sign Language has become a highly desired second language for both business needs, to preserve the cultural identity of people with hearing disabilities, and as a way to enrich one’s own culture and how people develop awareness and sensitivity. These reasons help to explain why parents invest in accredited online Sign Language classes for high school students, and we will explore these talking points, and others, in more depth.
Where did Online Sign Language Classes Evolve From?
According to historians, Aristotle was the first to make a recorded claim about the deaf. His theory was that the only way to learning and receiving an education was through hearing a spoken language. Therefore, deaf individuals were deemed ignorant and unable to be educated. For centuries the deaf were denied their fundamental rights, and in some regions, they weren’t allowed to get married, have children, buy property, and were forced to have guardians. Ultimately, they were considered to be sub-human.
When the Renaissance rolled in, Europe disputed Aristotle’s claim as scholars began educating mass cohorts of the deaf population for the first time in 2,000 years. This milestone in history is what started the creation of a signed language.
In more recent history pioneers in Sign Language like Hellen Keller and her teacher, Anne Sullivan continued to prove that the deaf (Keller was both deaf and blind) could communicate and learn. In fact, Keller graduated from college in 1904 and went on to be known as one of the most prolific thought leaders in American history.
Online Sign Language Classes Strengthen the Foundation for Learning and Communication (Higher SAT Scores Too)
Multiple studies have proven that high school students who learn American Sign Language (ASL) and are capable of signing the alphabet gain improved spelling skills. Signing leaves a larger imprint on the brain that makes it easier for one to remember complicated spellings. Furthermore, because we have muscles that have their own micro-memories, the ability to sign a word, in addition to speaking it, makes words easier to remember. In fact, students who took online sign language classes scored significantly higher on the SATs than students who took a spoken language. Even foreign educational institutes praise American Sign Language. The Manitoba School District in Canada has said that learning ASL offers tons of value in that, in addition to learning a second language, it provides the opportunity for students to question and challenge their own values, cultural assumptions, and perspectives that contribute positively to our society as a whole.
Online Sign Language Classes Help Define Small Motor Skills
One reason why parents invest in online Sign Language classes for high school students is that it continues to develop the small motor skills they began learning as young children. Due to the dexterity required for communicating with hand gestures, small muscle strength and coordination skills are enhanced. When this happens, athletes perform better at sports, and career skills that involve the use of one’s hands and coordination are sharply defined. For example, if students dream of becoming a chef and owning their own restaurant, ASL will help them with their knife skills, coordination in the kitchen, and speed.
Online Sign Language Classes Help Students Succeed in the Job Market
There are several reasons why American Sign Language is one of the most studied modern/foreign languages in colleges and universities from the U.S. to Europe, and from Asia to the Middle East. Arguably, the main reason is it helps people secure the best jobs and provides an easier path for moving up the career ladder.
Taking online Sign Language classes is a solid investment because it leads to mastering a bankable skill. As parents know, today’s job market is highly competitive. Every savvy job-seeker does what they can to stand out from the competition in terms of experience and skills. ASL is much more than an opulent addition to resumés, but a valuable skill that almost always increases one’s marketability. Online Sign Language classes that lead to learning ASL as a second language proves to be especially valuable in the marketing and television industry. Not only is ASL a valuable second language to flash in job interviews, but it also makes an important statement about you that will stand out to even the most captious employers.
Take Online Sign Language Classes and Become a Better Listener and Communicator
This point ties directly into the job market: online Sign Language classes enable people to be better communicators and listeners–critical skills for today’s job market, and skills that also allow people to evolve in their personal lives. When taking online Sign Language classes, students learn its structure and how to assess their understanding of it. This also inspires them to rethink ideas. Studies also prove that ASL capacitates people to perform better at work while helping one excel at advanced tasks. ASL also lends to comprehending the entire environment and how various pieces fit into it–vital skills for project managers and executives.
Students Don’t Have to Master ASL to Rake in the Benefits
Some parents are under the false assumption that any investment in online Sign Language classes must result in their child being fluent. However, kids don’t need to know how to sign every word in the English language to benefit. Simply knowing the basics and the top important signs offers a great way for people to show the job market they are innovative and skilled. This also shows the world they have a genuine care for speech and the hearing impaired. Finally, taking online Sign Language classes reveals one as having a character that isn’t afraid to take on challenges.
Why Take Online Sign Language Classes as Opposed to Traditional On-Campus Classes?
Being a high school student is a full-time job. What with studying, sports, other extracurricular activities, and volunteer work (things that look good on transcripts) taking a second language on campus just eats into the day and adds more stress. In addition, we all learn differently and process information at varying learning paces. Since the average public high school has a teacher-to-student ratio of 1-to-30, most students lack the attention required to learn the language and earn the credits required to graduate.
Taking online Sign Language classes from companies like LanguageBird removes these barriers, as students are able to take their online classes with live, certified instructors in real-time face-to-face lessons when it is convenient for them. In other words, kids can take online Sign Language classes on the weekend, early in the morning before school, or right after Monday Night Football before going to bed. Being able to create one’s own schedule helps high school students tremendously, and this enables to overall better grades across the board.
In addition, online Sign Language classes from LanguageBird offers one-on-one instruction where teachers give each student their undivided attention. This allows students to get a customized approach relevant to their learning style so they can truly learn the language and comprehend it at a high level–something traditional classes on campus simply can’t offer.
Call LanguageBird today and take that first step into setting your kids up for their future success. We offer an NCAA accredited (and other accreditations) program that will likely meet the guidelines of your child’s high school and top desired colleges. Talk to your child’s school counselor to ensure the credits will transfer over and give us a call.