Online Spanish Classes for High School Credit and Career Success
If you’ve thought about studying a second language, now is the time to take Spanish classes. Interactive, online teaching methodologies are better than ever, helping you learn the language that over 400 million people use world-wide. And with 33 million speakers in the US alone, Hispanics are the largest minority group according to the US census. Read on to learn about the benefits of taking online Spanish classes for high school credit or career success.
Spanish is the gateway to other Romance languages
Spanish is a Romance language, meaning that it’s derived from the Latin. So when you learn this language, it becomes easier to learn other common Romance languages like Portuguese and French. If you aim to be an international entrepreneur or if you are preparing to go into global business, you’ll definitely benefit from learning French and Portuguese as well. In fact, the Medium lists Portuguese and French as the fifth and seventh most important business languages in the global market.
Spanish is essential for US legal professions
If you’re also planning to enter the legal profession — either as a lawyer or as a paralegal professional — it’s virtually essential for successful professionals in this field to learn Spanish. For years, law firms have been hiring bilingual office managers and assistants to interact with Spanish-speaking clients, especially in regions of the United States where there are high numbers of Hispanic populations. And as with the health and human services professions, some law firms in these regions make it a priority to hire bilingual lawyers who can speak to their clients without the need of an interpreter.
Latino Millennials drive US businesses
Latino Millennials have enormous purchasing power — and it’s only increasing. A large percentage of Millennials are Hispanic, and many use Spanish for business and other daily communications. Spanish speaking Millennials in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s are now heads of households and serve as the key decision makers for their families when it comes to buying consumer products. So disregarding the business field you are interested in getting into, either in the US or globally, you don’t want to overlook this critical market segment.
You’ll forge valuable business relationships when you travel
Finally, whether you do business in the US, Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, or any of the countries in the Spanish-speaking Americas, you’ll benefit from learning Spanish. By communicating first-hand with business colleagues as you immerse yourself in the language, customs, and cultures of the areas you visit, you’ll forge meaningful and lasting professional relationships with local and international Hispanic business leaders. You’ll also have more control over your business dealings and won’t have to rely on others as much to interpret or intervene for you on business matters.
And now, learning Spanish is easier than ever when you sign up for online Spanish courses with Language Bird. Language Bird is an accredited language company that offers one-to-one instruction with world class teachers. You can even customize your classes so that they work around your schedule, focusing on your priorities to meet your academic and career goals. For more information on how you can benefit from taking online Spanish courses, please contact us.