Student Spotlight: Rocco R.
Where did you hear about LanguageBird and why did you choose this program?
I was looking for a program to take ASL with, and LanguageBird seemed like the best of the options.
What language did you take and who was your Instructor?
ASL with Cassie H.
What recommendations do you have for future LanguageBird students?
It sounds cliché, but do your homework! It definitely helps speed the experience up and the whole process of online school is more stressful when you have lots of missing assignments.
How do you plan to use your new language skills?
I hope I can be able to communicate and speak to more people, whether they are deaf or just happen to know sign language.
How did LanguageBird support your learning goals?
I think my teacher definitely helped support my goals through her continuous patience. Especially because I have ADHD, she has been very relaxed and understands when I get distracted. Whether a friend of mine is coming up to talk to me, or I was not able to complete that weeks homework, she has been very understanding and deals with those kinds of situations very well.
Describe your favorite part of your LanguageBird program:
I like that they have specific teachers for those who struggle with ADHD/ADD because I feel like when you have a teacher who understands why you are constantly distracted, or need a minute to calm down or just to relax and get focused it really helps.
What was your favorite thing that you learned?
I think learning the alphabet in sign language was probably my favorite because it is super easy to use and remember, and it really kicked off my knowledge of ASL.
To learn more about LanguageBird courses for credit and how it all works, download our free brochure below and get the answers you are looking for.
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