Curious to know the top 20 most spoken language in the world? What if you’ll discover that the English language is a combination of many different languages in came in contact with? Well, this sounds interesting, right? Read the full …
Does language alter our experience of time? If that the case, are you willing to experience it? It might be an exciting experience that may change our perspective about learning a new language. Let’s read and learn more about it. …
In conducting research for my most recent book, Raising Global Children, I interviewed hundreds of people. One particular group, college professors, expressed a great deal of concern over the level of language capabilities students were coming onto campus with as …
Here’s your guide to which scales and exams you should use to express how fluent you are in a second language, and why it even matters. When it comes to describing how well you speak a foreign language, the answer …
Some of you might wonder why learning a second language is important. This event held last year by Central Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is one of the many reasons, why you should learn a new language. Being bilingual brings …
Have you ever wonder why there are people who can speak dozens of languages, but you struggle to learn your second? For some people, learning a new language is easy and fun, for some, it’s like passing the whole of …
It’s a busy autumn morning at the Spanish Nursery, a bilingual nursery school in north London. Parents help their toddlers out of cycling helmets and jackets. Teachers greet the children with a cuddle and a chirpy “Buenos Dias!”. In the …
Some of you are planning to learn a new language but are not able to decide what language to learn, because there are so many options around. Well, this blog is for you. After reading this blog you will have …
The object of inquiry in linguistics is human language, in particular, the extent and limits of diversity in the world’s languages. One might suppose, therefore, that linguists would have a clear and reasonably precise notion of how many languages there are in …
This question isn’t as simple as it may seem. There are a few complications that make it hard to give a precise answer: First of all, what do you mean by ‘spoken’? Do you want to rank languages by their …