By: Izabella Klein Spanish and Portuguese are very similar in many ways. This could be an advantage if someone already speaks Spanish and decides to take Portuguese online classes. They are both neo-Latin languages with an enormous amount of words …
World language credits are not only a curriculum requirement for a high school diploma, but they are also a necessity when applying for top universities and scholarships. For student-athletes who must balance a rigorous training and competition schedule, NCAA accredited …
Kick-start Your Child’s Career as a Writer with Online Spanish Classes. So, your offspring wants to be a writer. It comes bursting out of them in spite of everything, it comes out of their soul like a rocket (to paraphrase …
If you’ve thought about studying a second language, now is the time to take Spanish classes. Interactive, online teaching methodologies are better than ever, helping you learn the language that over 400 million people use world-wide. And with 33 million …
Having family abroad can be very exciting. The idea of visiting the country of origin of your parents, or grandparents, can inspire you with the confidence that you have the claim right to be considered a local. After all, no …
Going to college is all fun and games until you realize how expensive higher education really is. As we prepare to begin college life, we come to understand that the financial commitment of getting a degree goes well beyond rising …
Many students struggle to fill their schedules just to finish all the requirements for their college or university. Other challenges include frequent travels, standardized curricula and the numerous distractions that occur in a conventional classroom setting. In order to overcome …
Many children who are creative and curious are drawn to the culinary arts, and popular culture has a great deal to do with inspiring kids to pick up the skillet and immersion blender. With popular TV shows like Chopped Junior, …
Choosing to learn Spanish is a wise investment of time, money and energy. High school students have an opportunity to gain a valuable skill they can use throughout their lives by learning to speak the language as early in their …
Perhaps you have wondered why successful high school student athletes enroll in online Spanish classes for credits or participate in tutoring and test prep classes? If your student is a student athlete you might want to know how taking online …