Why? – The Benefits of Learning German
Chattopadhyay, Kushal. “Why? – The Benefits of Learning German”. Das Fernweh. 20 Mar. 2020, kushalc2875.wixsite.com/dasfernweh/post/why-the-benefits-of-learning-german
Why should I learn German? Why should I be motivated to grasp the language? It turns out, German isn’t that hard and that much of a punishment to learn as it seems (and sounds!), and the benefits that accompany learning the language truly are multitudinous. In this post, I will summarize why it is worth it to learn German and demonstrate the experiences I’ve had with the language as an exchange student there.
Free University Education
One of the most outstanding benefits that accompanies learning German is the internationally acclaimed education offered at universities there at barely any cost. Schools like ETH Zürich, one of the best schools in the world in the peaceful nation of Switzerland and the second best university in Europe after Oxford, cost 649 Swiss francs, or about $658 a semester. Other internationally acclaimed universities in Germany include TUM (Technical University of Munich), a member of the TU9, nine German top-notch technical universities, and LMU (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), which hosts the most prestigious medical center in all of Germany and the most international students out of any German university. If you wish to study engineering in one of the most cutting-edge countries in the field, medicine in the home of Bayer and Roche in Switzerland, or humanities in the cultural melting pot that is Europe for nearly no cost, German is definitely something to consider.
Business Opportunities
With only 22% of French students, 9% of British students, and a mere 3% of American students learning German, by gaining an understanding of the language you are immediately making yourself a competitive candidate for businesses around the world for your ability to deal with German clients. Germany is a leader in business all around the world, and the supply of job applicants that can converse in German is tiny in comparison to the demand for them, especially considering it is the largest European trading partner with the United States and that it has the fourth largest GDP in the world after China, the US, and Japan. Learning German can tip the scale in your favor and can earn you your dream job in whichever field you may choose.
High School German Community
The PAD, or Pädagogischer Austauschdienst of Germany, which deals with exchange students (Austauschschüler), offers a multitude of opportunities for German learners in high school to travel to the nation of Germany and to experience German life. One program includes the AATG Study Trip Award, which I participated in, in which you travel to Germany for four weeks, live with a host family, and attend school while going on trips to nearby cities all for free. The Studienbrücke Deutschland is another program which offers a similar experience, in addition to the AATG Summer Study Program, and scholarships are available for paid programs.
Learning the most widely spoken EU language, German, has some amazing benefits, and apart from just business-related and academic prospects, by learning a language you gain access to a whole new community of people. New TV shows, new music, and new friends are all at your disposal when you learn German.
So what’s stopping you? Los geht’s!